Fremantle Street Performers Festival

There's plenty of snoring going on in the house at the moment, as we've just spent 5 hours in Fremantle for the street performers festival, and we are all worn out. I forgot the camera so no photo's sorry. We had such a great time being entertained by visiting performers, payment is voluntary and it was good to see most people being generous and giving $5, $10 & $20, by supporting the acts to help them pay their way. It is a small amount to pay when you enjoy a show that is usually 40 minutes long.

If you ever get a chance go see The Chipolatas, they are full of energy, clever and fun, really delightful. We also enjoyed Byron Bertram from Canada, I ended up helping him with his act, thankfully it was an easy task of holding his microphone while he tried to escape from a straight jacket and chains.

So plenty of fun, laughs, food and sun has made us all a little weary. I do however have hot cross buns to make, I best get started.


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