The Worst Storm in 50 years

Yesterday afternoon at about 4pm we were hit by a massive storm.
When I went to school to collect the girls, I could see dark clouds approaching. We have had no rain here since Oct 2009. There had been threatening weather, but nothing ever eventuated, so nobody seemed that concerned. Well that was about to change. From our balcony we had a good view of the storm approaching and it didn't bode well, I thought I'd better batten down the hatches. I ran around bringing in cushions, covering outdoor furniture, closing windows, finding matches and candles. Then it was here in it's full fury, lightening, claps of thunder, then loud bangs on the roof, which I soon realised were golf sized hail stones. The girls were crying and I cuddles them close till the worst was over. I then called Andy at work and told him we were ok, however some of the hail had broken the clear roofing in the rear outdoor area, and water was gushing down the hill through our yard. He then told me there was another storm front on the way, at that stage we couldn't see it. Then at about 4.45pm, we could see it coming and it looked nastier than the first. When it hit I grab the kids away from the windows as the wind was so strong I thought they might blow in, apparently it was 120 km an hour . Water was coming in under the closed windows with the force of the rain. The sky was alight with lightening strikes, the power flickered and then it finally it went. I called Andy again to find out how he was going to get home. He rode his bike in to work which is about 17 km trip one way. The trains were out, the roads were chaos, to ride the bike would be madness. We were all worried, as he still wasn't home after 2 hours from leaving work, I read to the girls, trying to keep them from worrying, then at 7.30 he finally arrived, on the bike, wet, muddy, tired. He said there were people stranded everywhere, at least he had an option, so he went slower, dodged fallen trees, plowed through huge puddles and eventually made it home to his much relieved family.

Dinner with head torches and candles, thank goodness I still had left over party food.

After the storm, the colour of the sky was amazing


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