
It's been cold, wet and miserable and on top of that I have two little girls unwell with nasty colds.

Yesterday was a day of easy craft making, jigsaw puzzles, family movies, split pea soup with hot buttered toast and cups of tea with biscuits. Then at 3am I was awoken to a take temperatures, cool hot faces with a cold washer, hand out medicines, then rub backs to resettle, then crawl back into bed.

With days like this I did managed to complete some knitting.

Rummaging threw my button stash I found just what I needed to complete this cowl, vintage leather buttons.

This little bunny has been waiting for completion for a long time, I only needed to finish off the loose threads, now it's finally done.

There is still a few more projects to complete, so maybe today I will get a chance.

Both these items will be going in my Made It shop soon.


chrisartist said…
The bunny is adorable. How much is he?
I hope your girls are soon well

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