Stop the Plastic Insanity

Last night hubby and I watched in horror a TV program called "Addicted to Plastic". I would love to see this program showed in every school around the globe and maybe it might make a difference in how the next generation treat this planet.

As a mum I had already made changes to way that I purchased food, I stopped buying milk and juice in plastic bottles and now buy in cardboard cartons, I will now try to find glass. I also don't buy small "convenient" packaged items, instead I buy the item in a large bag, then put them into smaller reusable containers and it's cheaper. I will now look for suppliers who sell grains, pulses, etc from sacks using my own cloth carry bags.

I was searching this morning on the net for suppliers who make lunch boxes and drink bottles that are not plastic, one that I found and liked in the USA was out of stock, so for now I think I will make some cloth carry bags for my kids, use paper lunch wrap for sandwiches, I might even try cotton napkins to wrap food.

We can all make a difference, our parents and grandparents were never this wasteful.

Say "NO" to plastic, it's killing us.

I feel better now after my rant.


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