Vintage Finds

Wow! Did I have fun today, I love trawling around Op shops in search for my treasures. I had this feeling I was going to find a real gem today, and guess what, I did.

Ages ago in Melbourne I found this lovely child's chair with matching stool and today across the other side of the country I found this gorgeous chair in the exact same fabric, I snapped it up there and then. Having rearranged the girls room to accommodate it, I now have to explain to my hubby why we have yet another chair in the house. I can't help it I just seem to collect them.

I also came across this cute child's tea set which reminded of a similar one I had as a little girl. It wasn't complete, however it was at a bargain price and it fitted lovely into the dolls wardrobe I discovered at a market a few months ago. I'm still not sure if I should paint the inside of it or find some old wallpaper to line it, hmm.


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