I found this vintage children's book a few weeks ago and have just fallen in love the vibrant illustrations. I am yet to read it to the girls, perhaps tonight.

I finished this book last night, which is yet another book about foreigners renovating and living in rural France. I found it to be an easy and enjoyable read.

The next book on my nightstand is this book. It's about the women who were left behind in Australia, while the men went to war and how they coped. It is told by the women, recalling the heartaches, triumphs, and the strengths.
What are you reading?
I'm reading emails at the moment....hahahahaha....Seriously though I've had The Plains of Passage by Jean M. Auel on the go for a year or so now....Now don't be fooled by that note as this is probably the 13th time I've read this book....It is more an indication I'm in no hurry to end the journey....Prefering to saviour each & every word.... :o)
I LOVE your childrens book....I get a big kick out finding vintage kids books when I'm out & about....The graphics are just ADORABLE....!!
Hope you're having a GREAT week Lovey....!
Cheers for now,
Tamarah :o)