Here are some things I found while trawling some country op shops.
I found yet another apron, this one only cost $.50.

Some vintage fabric which I think is barkcloth. I'm not sure what I'll do with this yet, maybe a cushion. Have you got any idea's?

This is the front page of The Argus from 1876, which I think is now the Age,. I found this in an old tool tin, which I also wanted but couldn't fit into the car with all our camp gear. Can you imagine my dilemma when I had to leave it behind. AAARRGHHH!! The one that got away.

Yes, another old sheet, this one will be a cutter, as it has some damage. I also snapped up this old bias. Great for bunting.

As if I need any more wool, but how can a girl not buy pure wool hand spun at $.50 a ball. What am I going to do with it, any suggestions please.
My Flea Market Find
I'm looking forward to a weekend of op shopping in a different region...can't wait!