The Ugly Truth

Well here it is folks.

The pic's of the old scungy cupboards in the kitchen and bedroom and then the filth behind them. Guess who got the job of cleaning it up. Lucky me!

Look away now if you are at all squeamish.

Ahhhhh! Disgusting!!!!

Andy's brother lent a much needed hand in the demolition.

I'm smiling now, then I see yet more filth to clean up.

Now you see it.

Now you don't.

Hopefully that's the worst of it over.

We had an engineer over yesterday and he suggested, fix any water/sewerage leaking issues under the house before we consider underpinning in the future.

So now it's up to the plumbers, electricians, and plasterers, to make it a bit more comfortable and safe before we move in.

This w'ends projects are to fix spouting, fit new doors into shed and my job will be scraping off the rest of the wallpaper. Thank goodness it is only in one bedroom and the hall.

I can't wait to paint and rip out the carpet but first things first.


Lyndel said…
oh Alison, they sure are doing a great job getting rid of it all.... except the dirt eh? with any old house thats had bits added and added, and changed, there'll be lots of hidden'sins' behind things. just focus on the finished project♥
love your bandana by the way.
Tanya Murray said…
...and the whole process will be repeated again in another 40 or so years when the next family pull out your soon to be kitchen...makes you think (anthropologically)
Anonymous said…
great job! will be looking forward to seeing how it all comes along. when do you move in?

Bungalowgirl said…
Just love the sight of all that destruction and clean slating going on. Your kitchen tiles are quite groovy by the way. Can't wait to see you ripping up carpets and slapping paint around. Mel.x
zigsma said…
I love those tiles!!
You're doing a grand job, Alison!
Allana said…
You sure are getting into it! I am enjoying watching from the safety of the computer for once hehe :)
simmone said…
Hi,just found your blog via bungalow-girl love your posts and look forward to seeing more.Can't pass-by a little reno-grossness either.
Lounging with a Latte said…
So looking forward to how you decorate your rooms. Very exciting for us bloggers as we don't have to get our hands dirty!!
::The Beetle Shack:: said…
Hi! ive just stumbled across your blog! i'm following cus i've gotta see what you do with this kitchen.. and it's a rad blog!

xo em

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