Our Easter Break

Well Easter's over for another year and I hope everyone enjoyed their break.

We were able to get a way for an overnight stay at my sister's country property, where we ate too much, laughed a lot and had a nice break away from the reno.

I had a comment from Mel at Bungalow Bliss re: naming the house. They call their house Betsy, which is a great name. I Googled most popular names from 1930's, and we came up with Doris, so Doris she now is instead of The House. Thanks Mel for the idea, much better. I tried to name Andy's work shed Rock, as in Rock Hudson, he wasn't impressed.

Here are a few pics, from our country break.

A hunting we will go.

A BIG thanks to my most beautiful sister and her most lovely man.


trudi@maudeandme said…
We have lived in our house 7 years this easter and we still haven't come up with a name. I think we have been trying to be too clever. Simplicity is sometimes the way. Thanks for the spark and I'll let you know if we get one.
Bungalowgirl said…
Well done on choosing such a spirited name for your house. I imagine Doris and Betsy would be kindred spirits. I do have some names up my sleeve for Betsy when she has changed colour and is no longer blue, but want to check they are the right vintage for her. Can't wait to see what you and your girls and Doris cook up next. Mel:).
chrisartist said…
We have renovated and sold a few houses. I'm very careful never to change a name!!
We have inherited some great names. Our current house is Rose villa.
Our shack is Elonera.
I love your idea of names from the Era. Doris sounds very domesticated. A good cook I think.

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