House Reno - The Beginning - Discoveries

First of all a happy and safe Easter to you all.

On Thursday we were handed the keys by the elderly senora. Emotions were overflowing, we chatted, we hugged, we cried as she gracefully said goodbye and walked away from her home of 60 years.

That afternoon, we for the first time were able to have a good long look at what was ahead of us. I was excited but also daunted.

This is how we spent our Good Friday.

Firstly get rid of the deteriorated and dusty old curtains and blinds. Yuk! We managed to get some of the windows open and let the air flow through, however some are just so badly rotted, that I think professional help will be required to save them.

This ugly built in cabinet was on my hit list for demolition and that was Andy's job. Look at what we discovered. I knew we had a chimney, but thought that the fireplace might have been demolished and then plastered over, but no, it was actually built around to our delight. Yay!

Now to rejuvenate.

With the house sinking, it has caused a lot of cracking. One of the first things that must be done is underpinning. and then re stumping. There will be more cracking from this work, which for now we will just put up with. My concern is these ceilings, which we will do our best to try and save.

This one is massive, it practically covers the room. Look at that light fitting. Ooh!

The girls loved ripping down the wallpaper.
It was over the built in robes and on the window sill.

The first lick of paint, the girls were useful in getting into the cupboards.

From dirty pink, to sunny yellow. It's name is Lemon Delicious. Yum!

We have decided to rip the rest of the cupboards out and the ancient electric stove. I thought we might be able to keep it, but once we had a good look and found piles of distgusting mouse poo and crud, I couldn't possibly even consider putting anything in them. So a fresh start, some new appliances and I'll feel much better. When it comes to the big reno in a couple of years we will be able to re fit them into the new kitchen.


Lounging with a Latte said…
How exciting for you to get the keys and start with putting your ideas into practice. Have fun!
ladychiara said…
Congrats Alison! Those ceilings are just divine. Love the old fireplace.Lemon Delicious is one of the colours on my short list for kitchen painting. It's lovely!How wonderful that you are tackling the reno as a family! They will be lifelong memories for your girls.Have fun and I hope the Easter bunny finds you. :)
BOB & MABEL said…
Your new house looks amazing, those ceiling are just divine. Good luck with it all and I look forward to lots of updates.
Lyndel said…
oh Alison, congratulations.. you are IN!!
Have fun, and use as much 'child labour' as you possibly can!!!!!!
Can't wait to see/hear more of the updates. Lucy left this afternoon, so I'm home alone again.. until next Term Break.
Catherine said…
how exciting - you've already made such a lovely discovery with that fireplace! I love decorative ceilings too... hope you're having fun transforming your home x
bec said…
woohoo, gorgeous! The windows are beautiful too. I hope the Sernoa didn't forget something and come back in haha. Good luck and enjoy the hard work, what great skills the girls are learning too!
Bungalowgirl said…
What a glorious find to uncover that hidden treasure of a fireplace. Especially as you weren't expecting it. Love your ceilings - talk to them sternly about holding their cornices together a bit longer. My Betsy has gorgeous decorative ceilings as well, no photos yet as I need to clean the fans first! Love seeing that joyous enthusiasm of your girls making that house yours. I think getting in and ripping out all the cruddy bits is so exciting when you first make a house yours. Enjoy every minute, and please keep sharing. Mel:).
Bungalowgirl said…
Forget to ask, has your house got a name? Mine has been much more accomodating since we called her Betsy as opposed to the "blue bungalow".
Allana said…
I am so excited for you, lots of work but it looks like it will be worth it! What a great opportunity to bond as a family too :)
Have a safe and happy long weekend :) x
CurlyPops said…
Wow how exciting. I hope you're going to keep sharinf stages of the reno progress on the blog!
chrisartist said…
A very exciting time for you. It's a great adventure.
I look forward to the progress blogs.
chrisartist said…
Think I just became you 100th follower!!
Congratulations. That's awesome.

a.M. said…
How exciting! Those are some gorgeous ceilings!
mamma says yes said…
Hi Alison,
It is nice for me to be back blogging after such a long break! What a surprise - a new home and it looks like lots of fun work. Looking forward to following your renovations and knowing you through your blog, the end result will be gorgeous - I love the ceilings and the windows...not to mention the fireplace. Oh and lemon delicious - my favourite pudding and such a bright and happy colour - well chosen!

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