Sweet Surprise
It always amazes me about the wonderful people you meet via blogland.
It is a great place to meet like minded people discussing and sharing ideas, craft, finds, family, food etc.
A while ago I left a comment on Georgina's post from Perpetual One about "what's in the box?" along with other bloggers. She then told us that we were all going to receive a surprise in the post for playing along.
Ooh goody! How lovely! What a surprise! He..he..he..
Here it is, in all it's sweetness.
A beautiful hanky with the word "hope" embroidered and a lovely handmade card. Aaw!

Thank you Georgina, you made me smile.
It is a great place to meet like minded people discussing and sharing ideas, craft, finds, family, food etc.
A while ago I left a comment on Georgina's post from Perpetual One about "what's in the box?" along with other bloggers. She then told us that we were all going to receive a surprise in the post for playing along.
Ooh goody! How lovely! What a surprise! He..he..he..
Here it is, in all it's sweetness.
A beautiful hanky with the word "hope" embroidered and a lovely handmade card. Aaw!
Thank you Georgina, you made me smile.