Op Shop Finds

Out and about yesterday, I found an op shop that I had never discovered before. Unbelievable some may say, but yes this one had opened up since I had been away. I found some goodies, that I thought I would show you.

This nanna knit is a bit daggy, but I hope with a bit of an uplift, could be come a new fashion trend. Yeah right! You might say, but some times I like being a dag, and being long it goes right over my backside (mmm nice and warm). Oh no! I'm turning into a nanna, or worse my mother. AHHHH! So, definitely update buttons and perhaps something on the pockets. Any ideas?

On the left boring buttons, on the right possible button solution.

I haven't checked if all the numbers are there, but that can easily be fixed. Oh no! Bingo! I am turning into a nanna. What's next, big full pant undies, with high panting elastic waist slacks?

These babies need a good polish, but having a puddle of champers could be fun.

I was overwhelmed with glee upon spotting this baby, I just need to get an insert.

So I'm set girls, sitting on my cushion, in my groovy vest, playing bingo, swilling champers. Who would like to join me. Oh! Oh! There's an idea, a groovy fun filled nanna night out.


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