Vintage Finds

I made myself a promise a few months ago that I would have a break from treasure hunting.

Well I broke that promise on the weekend, but I'd like to know who could keep it when there was a street near by that was having a garage sale that was 2.5 kilometres long. 

I kid you not, over 50 houses in one long street.
It was too much for me to resist and I attacked it with gusto and much delight.

Here are just some of my finds.

Nothing over $5.00

 Two lovely old boxes caught my eye and when I opened them they had complete sets inside.
Just perfect for those teatime treats.

Each box was marked $10.00 but the nice lady said I could have both for $10.00 and I didn't even ask.

I also bought from her the large camping pan and the brilliant leather wind up tape measure.

This reminds me of the ship painting in Narnia's Prince Caspian.
Not to shabby for $1.00

A little chipped and broken (I glued the handle back on to the large one) but just lovely for flowers.

I spied this beauty hidden amongst a lot of chintz.

The lady could believe I was interested in it, when there were so many pretty things she had 
on offer and was happy to see it go for the sum of $4.00.

We went home after three hours of trawling the street in the rain no less, happy, wet and tired.
 I'll try and take some pics of some of my other finds soon.

 What fun.


Shortbread and Ginger said…
Oh my goodness, what fabulous finds!! The picture is amazing and I love the jugs too.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
Biddy Martha said…
I love all of your treasures, and the new look. I need some blogging lessons i think, to get mine up to scratch...
Allison said…
love the new header Al....and adore all those finds!...the measuring tape is my favourite. if only it could talk. x
Trudy said…
How could you possibly stay at home when all that joy was awaiting you outside your door!! Some lovely finds.
Curtains in My Tree said…
those were great prices for all of those items

I wanted you to know I looked back through all the older post of your vacation pictures and I really enjoyed them

Zara said…
The spoon set is something special. You always seem to find the most amazing vintage treasures. x

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