The Girls

Look at what we brought home today.

Two lovely little ladies.
Meet Rocky and Bok Bok.
Our daughters had chosen the names of their chickens months ago and now they are finally with us.

We popped them into their coop for about an hour to settle in, then we supervised the cat and the dog as they got to know them, they were curious at first but it didn't take them long to get over their excitement.

Once we felt they seemed calm we then let them into veggie patch to scratch around and clean up all the leftovers from our summer crops.

It's so exciting and now we just have to wait for the next exciting moment when we will have our first egg.

This is another step in us moving along a more self sufficient path which is even more necessary since my man's job became redundant.

We are hoping that it won't be too long till he has another job but we are making changes to help us extend the payout that he received.

It was actually a relief when it did happen as we have been living under the threat for over 18 months and now we are rising to the challenge.


Zara said…
How lovely are the newest additions. You will have such fun with chooks. Their sweet little antics will keep you entertained.
Allison said…
ahh lovely....such a great addition to the family. sorry to hear hubbys news, but sounds like you have your heads around it. enjoy having him at home for a little while (got a job list?)xx
simmone said…
Very cute chookies, Bok Bok is the perfect name, just how they talk. Don't wear Hubby out too much, with all those catch-up home jobs to do. Hope he gets a job he really enjoys.

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