Gorilla Knitting

Gorilla knitting always makes me smile.


Prior said…
Me too! Lezlee
Ames and Tash said…
Makes the world smile :)
Killiecrankie Farm said…
Hey great idea !
Miss our town hall having the knitted columns :)
Lyndel said…
oh yes, I'm an old 'Yarn Bomber' too.... I even have a sep. blog about my Blue Poles, Stripe Poles and Warm Poles !!!!
where did you find that cute tree??
Alison said…
The tree is at Healesville.
trudi@maudeandme said…
I've never heard of gorilla knitting?? What is it?
Lillabilly said…
Do you mean guerrilla knitting? I saw your post title and got the lovliest image of a mighty big gorilla contentedly knitting away at a scarf :D
Alison said…
Yeah! I know funny ha! How cute would that be.

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