A Self Indulgent Day

There are just some days when the last thing I want to do is work and yesterday was one of those. So guess what, I didn't and it felt so goooood.

My day started out with the sun shining on a beautiful sunny spring day. I waved goodbye to two excited girls on a bus, on there way to the zoo for a school outing, then wandered up the street on my way to yoga, past all the homes ablaze with spring flowers (note to self: must take photo's of gardens).

After a lovely yoga session, I decided not to go home straight away and popped into my local cafe for some lunch and a pot of chai, while I enjoyed this book below.

It is a modern day romance which also has a knitting element to it which I thought was quirky.

I found this blog here yesterday that has a great idea about posting your current read and your knitting project together in one photo called Yarn Along. So I think I'll join in the fun once I have a new book to read as I finished this one yesterday sitting out in the sunny garden.

I also finished this book that I have been coveting for a while.

My day ended with drinks and laughs at the local pub with friends, while all the kids played together.

It was such a wonderful day that has me in good spirits for the weekend ahead and no work was done. Ha..ha...ha..ha

Do you do that sometimes? You should.

Have a wonderful weekend.


small forest said…
I love this post Alison as its such a good reminder to give yourself the day off sometimes as a mum. Your books look interesting, and reading two at once youd get on famously with my youngest. he has been known to quite often read four or five books simultaneously! Can you join in the fun at Yarn Along if you only crochet?
We all need days off sometimes. It was great to read all the fun things you did with your family last week...I can imagine why you needed the rest!!
Alison said…
I'm sure crochet would be just fine.
Sonia said…
LOVE IT!! We so need these kinds of days, don't we? Hope to hear of many more days like this. I'm booking in one for myself for next week. I've had a rotten month...
mamma says yes said…
Wow...what a perfect day - you have inspired me Alison, I so need one of those days...I am treating myself. I am curious about that blog you found...I love knitting and reading so I am off to have a look...thank you for sharing your perfect day and your find!
Robyn Lee x

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