First Week In Melbourne

It's been one week since our return and the girls are enjoying being back at there old school, and catching up with there friends. Andy started his new job and me, well I've been exploring my old haunts. I've found some of my favourite cafe's & pub's have changed, but found new one's that are great. The weather has been colder than what we have recently experienced, however, we are enjoying rugging up and most places have snuggly open fires.

We have also met for the first time our new niece, who is almost one. She is a happy little thing, however she isn't sure about these strangers wanting to cuddle her.

Tomorrow is moving day, it's going to be a long day and it will take me a while to find places for all our stuff, but that's always the fun part, decorating.

My new niece, she's not sure

Who is this strange lady


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